Here at The Coastal Clinic I offer an all round service to keep you physically fit or get you fully mobile again after injury. Soft tissue therapy including clinical, remedial and sports massage are available, as well as cupping therapy and kinesiology taping. So whether it's to recover from an injury, to improve posture or just to help with daily aches and physical stresses The Coastal Clinic is the place to go.
You can book either a massage therapy session, an exercise rehabilition session, or a longer session which combines both.
If you want to improve your strength, wellness, mobility and body awareness then get involved with Pilates. This is a great way to manage or prevent back problems and other injuries, as well as many other physical benefits. Check out the Pilates section for more information.
BTEC Level 5 in Soft Tissue Therapy from the London School of Sports Massage
STOTT Pilates certified matwork instructor
Level 3 Personal Trainer with over 20 years experience in health & fitness
"Take care of your body.
It's the only place you have to live"
Jim Rohn